self portrait vs selfie

a selfie is a photo taken usually on a cell phone or webcam that is done spontaneously to most likely be posted on social media appearing candid.
a self-portrait is more formal, has a meaning behind it and had much thought put to use to set it up and can be a picture or a painting.
the main differences are that a self-portrait takes much more time to do than a selfie because a selfie has little planning and thinking behind it is more to capture the moment than to have a meaning or purpose also a selfie can only be done in photo form while a self-portrait can be a painting or a photo.
i prefer self portrait because i wouldn't really call selfies a photo style they are just a thing that people do to take a quick photo of themselves while self portraits are made to show a purpose and have meaning.
yes self portraits are more important because of the time that goes in to make it.

i went to petapixel its articles were mostly about photography but not all of them were. out of the ones on photography they had things on photoshop stories about photography related subjects and tips on how to do things with cameras. A person can learn a lot if they go to this website that can help them be better photographers. no i would not add this to my bookmarks because from the things i see on there right now none of those tips seem to helpful to me. i would recommend this for someone who is just starting in photography or on photoshop. on a scale from one to five seeing that 2.5 should be average i would give it a 3.25 as it is helpful but it does not provide use for someone with a basic knowledge of this stuff and some stories they post are not helpful.


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